STF Load Check Indicator 1 VE fra Albert Browne (rød indikator til dentalopvaskemaskiner)

Chemical indicators for wash disinfectors


The chemical indicators (STF Load check), provided by Safe Sterilization ApS, are designed for process control of the efficiency of wash disinfectors cleaning effect of surgical/dental instruments. The chemical indicators verify that your wash disinfector can effectively clean instruments and equipment.

Product description

The chemical indicators have been manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the DS/EN ISO 15883-5 standard.

Indikatorerne verificerer rengøringsevnen i opvaskemaskinen og har fire røde felter (testmaterialet), to på hver side. Testmaterialeret består af forskellige typer af proteiner, lipider og polysakkarider. Dette testmateriale skal være fuldstændig fjernet fra indikatoren, for at rengøringsprocessen kan godkendes.


De kemiske indikatorer bruges dagligt til at verificere effekten af rengøringen i opvaskemaskiner. De kritiske parametre der verificeres er tid, temperatur og kontakt med vand og rengøringsmiddel.

It is recommended to use indicators during each cleaning process in the wash disinfector, to ensure the process is effective and the risk of contamination is minimized. At the end of the wash cycle, the indicators are removed and visually inspected as to no residual test material remains on the indicator.

Please refer to our User guide for the product here on this website.

Storage, durability and disposal

Store at temperatures between 0-30°C, dry and protected from direct sunlight.

Expiration date is stated on the product packaging. Never use an expired indicator.

Discard as normal waste.

We use a product from:

Albert Browne Ltd

Chancery House 190 Waterside Road
Hamilton Industrial Park
Leicester LE 1QZ
United Kingdom

Item no.

2315 Load Check Indicator 100/box

2316 Load Check Holder 1/box

Indikatorer til dentalopvaskemaskiner fra Albert Browne (STF LOAD CHECK INDICATORS, 100 PER BOX) Billede 1 med transparent baggrund