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Company profile

Safe Sterilization A/S blev etableret i 1993 som leverandør af periodiske tests af sterilisationsprocesser i autoklaver og tørsterilisatorer med biologiske indikatorer. Vores kunder er praktiserende inden for sundhedssektoren i de skandinaviske lande.

Safe Sterilization is an independent company. This is to ensure the validity of our work to the customer. We focus on quality and to contribute to better patient safety at our customers’ clinics. We are focused on updating our knowledge about authority requirements and recommendations and communicate it to our customers. We also ensure to have the latest product information so we can provide the best advices to our customers.

At Safe Sterilization, we place a high priority on professionalism. To ensure this, we collaborate with various medical and healthcare organizations to be at the forefront of the development.
Vores vision er at være en aktiv samarbejdspartner og medvirke til at sterilisationsprocesserne, og dermed patientsikkerheden, på klinikkerne er optimal.

Vi ønsker, at kundetilfredsheden er i top og stræber efter langvarige kunderelationer.

Our primary service consists of a subscription plan with biological indicators. We have a user-friendly subscription system to make it easy for the customer to use our service. The biological indicators are sent out to the customer automatically when it is time to test the sterilization process for each sterilizer.
Vi har et brugervenligt abonnementssystem, som gør det nemt for kunden at benytte vores service. De biologiske indikatorer fremsendes automatisk, når det er tid til at teste sterilisationsprocessen for den enkelte sterilisator.

Our concept:

  • User-friendly subscription system
  • Competitive prices
  • Customer specific and objective advice

Safe Sterilization participates in the development of international and European standards at Dansk Standard, where we learn of the future for standards and requirements for the industry.

Safe Sterilization er ISO 9001:2015-certificeret.