Ved modtagelse åbnes konvolutten og de biologiske indikatorer tages ud.
Verify that the information on the individual labels is correct.
Note the actual test date on the labels.
Check on the labels where each biological indicator should be placed. Note on the labels if you change the location of the biological indicators in the sterilizer.
IMPORTANT: Never open the biological indicators.
Placér de biologiske indikatorer på steder, hvor det er vanskeligt for dampen at komme i kontakt med udstyret i autoklaven, eller hvor varmen har sværest ved at trænge ind til godset i tørsterilisatoren. De biologiske indikatorer kan, hvis relevant, evt. placeres i kassetter/autoklaveposer.
Perform a normal sterilization program with instruments in the sterilizer.
121°C for a minimum of 15 min.
134°C for a minimum of 3 min.
160°C for a minimum of 2 hours.
170°C for a minimum of 1 hour.
180°C for a minimum of ½ hour.
It is important that the sterilization time is counted from the time the specified temperature has been achieved in the sterilizer.
Remove the biological indicators from the sterilizer.
Replace the biological indicators in the same envelope in which they were received. Remove the instruction manual and tape protection to close the envelope and return the envelope to Safe Sterilization.
To shorten the response time, please hand in the envelope at your local Postal Office.
As soon as Safe Sterilization has the result of your test, you will receive a certificate via email. It is possible to get the result by mail for an additional fee.